How to draw perspective - One Point Perspective

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to draw a one point perspective. This perspective is usually used when the object's front is facing the viewer. In this type of drawing the horizontal and vertical lines will be horizontal and vertical respectively in the drawing, and lines getting farther from the viewer will have an angle towards what is called a "Vanishing Point."
STEP 1 :
Determine the horizon in your drawing. Draw a horizontal line for the horizon with a hard pencil. The horizon lines determines how far the viewer can see based on the terrain and the distance of the viewer from the ground.

STEP 2 :
Choose the vanishing point. This is what will determine the effect of the perspective. As a reference, the most basic vanishing point would be located in the center of the paper horizontally and over the horizon line. If you set the vanishing point to the right, the drawing will look as if the point of view is moved to the left of the objects. The vanishing point for some objects can also be above or below the horizon lines depending on the inclination of the planes in respect to the ground.

STEP 3 :
Sketch the main objects.
Take care to draw all the horizontal and vertical lines perfectly horizontal and vertical.
The lines that start near the point of view and get farther should be drawn extending towards the selected vanishing point. This will give the perspective effect.

STEP 4 :
Give detail to your drawing respecting the proportions dictated by the reference lines you sketched before.